Portfolio - Miscellaneous
Many photos of Mac and his work are unaccredited due to lack of information. If you have more information on any of these photos, please contact us and we'll be sure to include it with the image.

Yearbook photo courtesy of the South Pasadena High School Alumni Association - http://www.sphsaa.org

Front cover of a book of Mac's poems, titled "Some Kind of Happiness" written under his pseudonym.

Portrait; 1960

Invitation to one of Mac's readings at the studio of ceramic artist John Mason, circa 1974

c. 1962. From left to right: Fred Holle, Mac McClain, Don Dudley, Rhoda Lopez and Sheldon Kirby. Courtesy of Don Dudley.

Mac (right) casting bronze with students in a sculpture class at CSULA, 1966. Photograph by Marshall Hortig.

Courtesy of Sam Jornlin, Voulkos & Co. Catalogue Project

Photographed by John Waggaman, circa 1967, from "Portraits Of Artists"

Flyer for a reading at Pomona College c. 1998

Certificate to Mac noting his excellent service as Chair of the Despartment of Art from 1965-1988 for CSULA.

Photo by Janice Felgar 1988